BPD – Infographic Showing Both Positive and Negative Characteristics of Sufferers.

empathy of bpd sufferers

positive and negative sides of bpd

Most of the literature one comes across when researching the extremely serious and distressing condition borderline personality disorder (BPD) focuses on the negative characteristics of the sufferer. Indeed, because this site deals with childhood trauma, I too have tended to concentrate on problematic features of the condition in my posts on this site.

It is because of this, that, in this post, I am going to attempt to redress the balance a little by including an infographic which shows both neagative and POSITIVE  characteristics the sufferer of BPD may display.

Here is the infographic (please click on image to enlarge it).

empathy of people with bpd

negative and positive elements of bpd

Best wishes, David Hosier, BSc Hons;MSc;PGDE(FAHE).